Friday, November 29, 2019

Gender Equality Reaction Paper Sample Research Paper Example

Gender Equality Reaction Paper Sample Paper Gender and Development Reaction Paper Throughout centuries, gender inequality has always been one of the main issues in our society. Just recently, King Abdullah, revolutionized Saudi Arabia by giving women the right to vote and hold position for the first time. In Italy, Ma-Vib, an Engineering firm, was placed on the hot seat when it chose to fire only female employees during a series of lay-offs. Through the Gender-conflict approach, we view gender inequality as a form of social stratification – that gender inequality is long-standing system of hierarchy between the sexes, where Men has always been on the upper-tier. Gender-conflict approach/perspective views patriarchy as something women continually accept because they have been socialized into a society with the notion that women are inferior. This particular matter got my attention because as a woman, I believe this is the closest subject which I can relate to myself. I chose this because this view can bring about cataclysmic change in our society when people just become more aware of it. Need a good writing essay helper? Our team is here for you just let us know! Gender Sensitivity I am aware of the changes in gender-equality in our society today. Women are now progressing to gain equal rights. These beliefs toward gender roles created conflict. The unequal distribution of society’s wealth and power between the two sexes exposes the continuing dominance of men’s privilege and values throughout the society. The activities men were involved in were often those that provided them with more access and control to resources and decision-making power. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Equality Reaction Paper Sample specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Equality Reaction Paper Sample specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Equality Reaction Paper Sample specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The characteristics of the activities performed by men and women toward the ages become people’s perceptions of the attributes of men and women themselves, thus came social stratification. Women were perceived, and then regulated as housewives – responsible for cleaning the house, cooking dinner and taking care of the children, while Men were stratified as income-generating mechanism of the family. The social-conflict perceives society as an â€Å"arena of inequality† that can generate change. Gender and Development I believe that gender-conflict approach leads to development, as it brought about feministic movements in our society. People, men and women alike, became aware of the inequality in our society. They saw the social stratification existing between the genders. They saw gender roles. After seeing the society, in the gender-conflict approach, the feminist movement flourished. Women experienced gender inequality in different environments and occupations. Nowadays, there are more women known to have jobs, and men are no longer the sole bread-earner in the family. Women contribute not just on to the welfare of the family, but also to the political and economical aspects of the society. Just like in the events on Saudi Arabia; however, feminist movement on the country has a long way to go, since many barriers still exist, like women not entitled to drive, or women not permitted to neither work nor have medical operations without the permission of a male relative. I believe that just by seeing the society on a different perspective can bring change to it.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Isaac Newton

Newton was an English physicist and mathematician who was born into a poor-farming family. He was not a good farmer at all. So he was sent to Cambridge to study to become a preacher. He then was influenced by Euclid to study mathematics. That was around the time when he made most of his significant discoveries. With his ignorance he waited to later in life to show the world his calculations. Which he didn’t publish most of his work. Newton suffered a mental breakdown in 1675 and was still recovering in 1679. He continued his calculations of the orbits of the planets. Again, he didn’t publish his calculations. After a while he started devoting his time to theological speculation and put the calculations on elliptical motion aside. Which he lied to Halley telling him he had lost them. Halley who then became interested in orbits, finally had become interested in orbits, then he convinced Newton to expand and publish his calculations. He spent from August 1684 till spring 1686 to this task. After he had published them in result became one of the most important and influential works on physics of all time. In book 1 of Principia, Newton opened with definitions and the tree laws of motion now known as Newton’s Law (laws of inertia, action and reaction, and acceleration proportional to force). Book 2 presented Newton’s new scientific philosophy, which came to replace Cartesianism. Finally, book 3 consisted of applications of his dynamics, including an explanation for tides and a theory of lunar motion. He then made another theory which he sooner confirmed, that when Saturn gets close to Jupiter it slows down cause of the universal gravitational pull. Then Flamsteed wrote back in great surprise that he was right. They then did really close observation to make sure they were right. These rules were stated in the Principia and proposed that (1) we are to admit no more causes of natural things such as are both true and... Free Essays on Isaac Newton Free Essays on Isaac Newton Newton was an English physicist and mathematician who was born into a poor-farming family. He was not a good farmer at all. So he was sent to Cambridge to study to become a preacher. He then was influenced by Euclid to study mathematics. That was around the time when he made most of his significant discoveries. With his ignorance he waited to later in life to show the world his calculations. Which he didn’t publish most of his work. Newton suffered a mental breakdown in 1675 and was still recovering in 1679. He continued his calculations of the orbits of the planets. Again, he didn’t publish his calculations. After a while he started devoting his time to theological speculation and put the calculations on elliptical motion aside. Which he lied to Halley telling him he had lost them. Halley who then became interested in orbits, finally had become interested in orbits, then he convinced Newton to expand and publish his calculations. He spent from August 1684 till spring 1686 to this task. After he had published them in result became one of the most important and influential works on physics of all time. In book 1 of Principia, Newton opened with definitions and the tree laws of motion now known as Newton’s Law (laws of inertia, action and reaction, and acceleration proportional to force). Book 2 presented Newton’s new scientific philosophy, which came to replace Cartesianism. Finally, book 3 consisted of applications of his dynamics, including an explanation for tides and a theory of lunar motion. He then made another theory which he sooner confirmed, that when Saturn gets close to Jupiter it slows down cause of the universal gravitational pull. Then Flamsteed wrote back in great surprise that he was right. They then did really close observation to make sure they were right. These rules were stated in the Principia and proposed that (1) we are to admit no more causes of natural things such as are both true and...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Statistics for Managers Individual Work wk5 Essay

Statistics for Managers Individual Work wk5 - Essay Example Generally, the list sale price for Gulf View Condominiums seems to be higher than No Gulf View Condominiums. The mean for list price for Gulf View Condominiums is $474010 while for No Gulf View Condominium is $212810. Also, on the same variable Gulf View Condominiums seems to be higher, it has a standard deviation of $197290 while No Gulf View Condominiums is $2395640 Out of the variables listed above, the one that can help a real estate agent understand the Condominium market is the standard deviation. Standard deviation is very critical because it shows how the prices are stable. Therefore, if the standard deviation is high then it means the prices fluctuates very much. When the significance level is increased then the critical area is reduced as a result you are likely to reject the null hypothesis. Hence, one is less likely to accept the null hypothesis when it is false thereby reducing type 1 error but type 1 error will

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Chinese Room Argument Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Chinese Room Argument - Research Paper Example Strong AI is intended to try and be like human in their cognition or even supersede him in their capability to solve problems. However, John Searle argues against the idea, he says that consciousness is an emergent property of a physical system that is only caused by a particular kind of physical process, and it is absurd to relate consciousness with a proper behavior. He further maintains that it is not worth thinking that consciousness is there, just because you have the right behavior. Computers are not conscious because they behave in the correct way, because the physical processes involved in human mind and computers are different. According to him, the basic physics and processes are everything. A person is likely to think that other people are conscious not because they operate as you do, but because it is evidently known that the physical performance of their brains are basically the same: and the same common kinds of physical effects occur in their brains as yours, therefore, the same emergent properties can be expected. My opinion is totally in contrast with Searle’s view that seems to divide things into two perspectives, that is the physical objects and abstraction of a physical system that also appears to be different in all. According to my understanding, the distinction between different kinds of properties is inconsistent. In human beings and other living things, emergent properties are caused by the processes within them as it is in the artificially made objects. The only difference here is artificial, but in real sense the emergent property is general to both AI and the human brains. It is clear in response which includes the range of actions made by artificial objects, organisms or systems in relation to the environment in which they exist. The surrounding could include other systems, other organisms or even the physical environment. This response is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Job cover letter (job application letter) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job cover letter (job application letter) - Essay Example Diamond and Cessna and can perform 3 different types of Cessna inspections at work within a team in a safety manner. My A&P mechanic knowledge and 3 different types of engine overhaul experiences closely matches your job requirements and A&P mechanic tasks. I can easily handle the job requirements i.e. perform aircraft maintenance and/or repairs in accordance with HAECO Airframe Services, FAA, and customer standards of quality. In a short period, I have shown my ability to various work experience assisting with maintenance operations control with a chief mechanic for flight schools Cessna. I have knowledge in design techniques, knowledge of materials and A&P mechanic tasks typical services like annual and 100-hour inspection, and engine overhauls. I can take up any duties and complete teamwork within future workers. I would be interested in fall position and it would be an honor to work at your company. I welcome the opportunity to discuss any possible mechanic position with you. Am looking forward to a positive consideration. Please feel free to call me at ******** or by email at *********edu. I have hereby attached my CV. Thank you in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The use of ICTs

The use of ICTs Abstract As a great attention has been paid for the development of new generation eMediaries, the rapid escalation of the Internet and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has also precious for recognized tour operators. The main purpose of this report is to examine the use of ICT by the tour operator Thomas Cook and to analyze the key issues. The report uses information from journals, companys reports and trade press articles. The report highlights the fundamental aspects of Thomas Cooks Business Strategies and the Business Model. (Marianna Sigala) The eBusiness impact is well documented by Jacsson and Harirs (Jackson): suggested that the Information and Communication Technology affecting the processes of companys operations followed how they do business, is well interpreted and how company need to reorganize and restructure themselves continuously. The aim of this report is to explain the acceptance of eBusiness by the traditional operators, and to explain the competitive advantage of eBusiness and Information and Communication Technology with a neat explanation and interpretation by analyzing Dniel Frews view (Daniele). The report briefly explains the Thomas Cooks strategies, as a large tour operator increasing profitability with the vertical integration and how it produced a substantial concentration in the market. The report explains the key factors and the need of ICT for tourism, like the importance of IT trainings and education for business policy makers, key role players and managers in the industry. Explains the integration of different sectors in this industry, example: transport, lodge, etc., the up gradation of organizations Technical Infrastructure and the need of Human Infrastructure like people with technology skills, vision and management skills. (Shanker, 2008) The report explains the importance of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and how tourism industry adopted ICT to make the best sales trough eMarketing as well as online sales. It supports several indications like internet connectivity ad usage of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Systems. It also explains the customers expectations and market competition. And the gap between small scale companies and large scale companies utilizing ICT and applications of eBusiness. The report briefs the use of eBusiness for Thomas Cooks business strategy on business objectives like business integration and delivering planned synergies, use of eBusiness to strengthen the main stream model for tour operating, implementing the independent travel segments, to expand the groups financial services. (plc, 2007) The report summarizes information on computing and Information Systems, here Information and Communication Technology plays a vital role to present the organizations ability to satisfy its customers travel safety measures and presenting them for great leisure time. The way Thomas Cook approaches its customers to explain the tour packages with visualizations on their website and in other way of electronic communication like contacting them by means of Tele-Communications, electronic mails and social networking sites. This report presents the way Thomas Cook achieved its success in competitive advantage. Conclusion: The report presents the e-Commerce and the e-Governance approach towards its customers, and how the web makes it easy for travelers to plan their holidays. How Thomas Cook provides appropriate online experience to its visitors to ensure the quality conversion and sales. Explains how online booking become an impotent part of their business and growth is set to continue (TravelMole, 2007). And the research methods Thomas Cook taken about, its customers progress through the online journey and how it will continue to enhance its websites and tools respectively (TravelMole, 2007). References: Daniele, R. . Intermediaries to Market-Makers:. In A. J. (Ed), Information and Communication Techonologies in Tourism (pp. 546-557). Jackson, P. . (n.d.). EBusiness and Oraganizational Change: recounciling traditional values with business transformation. Journal of Oraganizational Change Management , 16(5), 497-511. Marianna Sigala, L. M. (n.d.). Tour Operators in in an eBusiness World. Retrieved March 19th, 2010, from plc, T. C. (2007, June 27). Thomas Cook Group plc. Retrieved March 19th, 2010, from Shanker, D. (2008, May 15 17). ICT and Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities. Retrieved March 19th, 2010, from TravelMole. (2007, October 02). Thomas Cook e-commerce director highlights online trends. (, Interviewer)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Importance of Diet and Nutrition Essay example -- Health Nutrition

The Importance of Diet and Nutrition A child's diet and nutrition is a growing concern. Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs in the world, and often times parents struggle just to get their children to eat. Most parents assume that as long as their children eat something, it is fine to let them eat what they want. The wrong approach to food can give children mixed messages about proper nutrition and lead to serious problems later. Parents are solely responsible for children's poor eating habits. "Children today, more susceptible than any to propaganda, are eating an increasing amount of sweets, lollipops, crisps and refined carbohydrate food." (Mount 23) To know what children are eating these days, one must simply watch Saturday morning cartoons. Children are targeted by advertisement after advertisement with bright colors and toys. From sugary cereals to new and improved cookies, children decide the types of food they want to eat from commercials and select those products when grocery shopping with mom or dad. With fun characters and special toys in every meal, fast food restaurants lure children in. Though children may be taken in by advertisements, their parents are the ones who buy the products and ultimately have the power to say "no." Parents unfortunately do not take a stand. They give in to avoid temper tantrums and get their children to eat something, but more lies at stake than a public scene. "Sweets, lollipops and crisps with the help of television ad vertising have eroded what innate good nutritional sense remained... and the stage is set fair for widespread subnutrition." (Mount 67) A movement away from fruits, vegetables, and grains towards fats and sweets has become increa... a child, chances are the same bad eating habits will carry over into adulthood. Parents must realize their own struggles with obesity, high blood pressure, and heart problems are linked to their diet. In order to prevent their children from going through the same issues, they must plant the idea of nutrition now. Parents have ultimate control over the health and growth of their children. It is time they faced that responsibility. Works Cited Environmed Research Inc. homepage. pp. 1-2. (Retrieved November 5, 1998) Martin, H. Darlene. "Dietary Guidelines for Children Age Two to Five". pp. 1-4. Issued On-Line January 1996. < (Retrieved November 5, 1998). Mount, James Lambert. The Food and Health of Western Man. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975. The Importance of Diet and Nutrition Essay example -- Health Nutrition The Importance of Diet and Nutrition A child's diet and nutrition is a growing concern. Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs in the world, and often times parents struggle just to get their children to eat. Most parents assume that as long as their children eat something, it is fine to let them eat what they want. The wrong approach to food can give children mixed messages about proper nutrition and lead to serious problems later. Parents are solely responsible for children's poor eating habits. "Children today, more susceptible than any to propaganda, are eating an increasing amount of sweets, lollipops, crisps and refined carbohydrate food." (Mount 23) To know what children are eating these days, one must simply watch Saturday morning cartoons. Children are targeted by advertisement after advertisement with bright colors and toys. From sugary cereals to new and improved cookies, children decide the types of food they want to eat from commercials and select those products when grocery shopping with mom or dad. With fun characters and special toys in every meal, fast food restaurants lure children in. Though children may be taken in by advertisements, their parents are the ones who buy the products and ultimately have the power to say "no." Parents unfortunately do not take a stand. They give in to avoid temper tantrums and get their children to eat something, but more lies at stake than a public scene. "Sweets, lollipops and crisps with the help of television ad vertising have eroded what innate good nutritional sense remained... and the stage is set fair for widespread subnutrition." (Mount 67) A movement away from fruits, vegetables, and grains towards fats and sweets has become increa... a child, chances are the same bad eating habits will carry over into adulthood. Parents must realize their own struggles with obesity, high blood pressure, and heart problems are linked to their diet. In order to prevent their children from going through the same issues, they must plant the idea of nutrition now. Parents have ultimate control over the health and growth of their children. It is time they faced that responsibility. Works Cited Environmed Research Inc. homepage. pp. 1-2. (Retrieved November 5, 1998) Martin, H. Darlene. "Dietary Guidelines for Children Age Two to Five". pp. 1-4. Issued On-Line January 1996. < (Retrieved November 5, 1998). Mount, James Lambert. The Food and Health of Western Man. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How to Get a Fit Body

Stop moaning about being overweight and get moving! Everyone cares about their health but to be fit lots of hard work is required. To approve your aim, you must follow three difficult but necessary steps. Willpower, eating less and excercising daily are the most important things that you can do for ensure beautiful body. Belief in yourself is the first step to be fit. As we know doing nothing and just stupidly dreaming can’t help you with your plans. And of course you will waste your time. Firstly what you can do is to be confident that you will fulfill your aim. And of course if you begin to doubt you must submit all the advantages which could help you to support your body in balance. After all if you don’t do that it will be hard to continue your right way to be healthy and refuse to eat the sweets. One of the main responsibilities on diet is to restrict yourself from fatty food and sweets. The menu must be followed in all cases because you might not have another chance to make it up. Make sure you eat right and systematically because your body has adapt this kind of regime it is important for your health especially for strength. And if by any chance you still seem to be lazy to do that, then just shut your mouth. If you eat a lot, it certainly will be very dangerous and very difficult to lose weight by sport. The most effective way of burning calories is by excercising daily. By this man removes all shortcomings from the different part of body. You can have strengthen muscles, long beautiful legs and of course six or eight packs. That’s sounds great! Don’t lie front of the TV, don’t be so lazy and gloomy everything is possible to change in our world. Healthy diet is the best way to be fit. It is very important in our life because today people have a lot of different illnesses which can lead to death. It is very pity everyone can cure himself but not everyone can care about it. You need just think about. These advices will help you to be more satisfied and happy. Just belief yourself, eat more fruits and vegetables and do some sport. That’s all you need for perfect life. Take care!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Existentialism and Metamorphosis Essay Essay Example

Existentialism and Metamorphosis Essay Essay Example Existentialism and Metamorphosis Essay Essay Existentialism and Metamorphosis Essay Essay Essay Topic: Notes From Underground The Metamorphosis Existentialism is defined as a modern philosophical motion emphasizing the importance of one’s experience and answerability. Its focal point is the brand on the personal contemplations that these do on the person. who is seen as a free agent in a deterministic and apparently nonmeaningful existence. Its doctrine is punctilious that. in a nutshell. advocates a diverse armory of responses and solutions to the ‘existentialist attitude’ ; which. basically. is what an single feels when confronted by the absurdness of life. Throughout humanity. contemplation and self-proclaimed ‘ultimate’ truths have assumed assorted signifiers: poesy. faith. and legion other philosophies and textual plants. In The Metamorphosis. Franz Kafka narrates the branchings of a metabolism in which the topic and supporter. a adult male named Gregor Samsa. is transformed into a bug. Despite the novella’s literary methods and influences. the most outstanding being the manner Kafka so coolly describes such abnormality in his life. The Metamorphosis is besides hailed as a premier textual work of existential philosophy. the antecedently mentioned philosophical motion. Both anterior and subsequent to the transmutation. Kafka portrays Gregor as a adult male who seems lost within himself. and missing individuality. The reminiscences of his yesteryear are neither nostalgic nor affecting: his human life is seen to go around entirely around fiddling affairs. His societal life pays the monetary value from this. his failure to asseverate a concrete and consistent being. The extent of his deficiency of individualism is farther exemplified by his reaction to the metabolism: determination himself â€Å"t ransformed in his bed into a mammoth insect† ( Kafka. 296 ) . he prioritizes work over all else. even in his freshly equated insect signifier. Furthermore. he panics because â€Å"the following train went at seven o’clock ; to catch that he would necessitate to travel rapidly like mad and his samples weren’t even packed up† ( 297 ) . Gregor’s individuality crisis is a device for conveying Kafka’s belief of an impersonal society where individuality is drastically mitigated as a consequence of inordinate philistinism. Gregor. in the context of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground analogy. would be the ‘ant’ in the anthill- therefore rendering his metabolism ironically. Another dominant subject prevalent throughout the novelette is the absurd state of affairs Gregor is confronted by. These absurd occurrences ( 296-327 ) reflect the universe as seen from the existential philosopher position: a universe absent of a rational and comprehensive aim. Jean-Paul Sartre postulated that ‘every bing thing is born without ground. prolongs itself out of failing. and dies by chance’ . This nonsense is exactly what Gregor is victim to in the microcosm of society that Kafka generates: Gregor flounders about. beleaguered by absurdness and weakness. presumptively because he is incognizant of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard’s slightly comforting decisions that one must invent significance for one’s ain being ex nihilo. Once once more. Kafka utilizes a combination of secret plan and character to convey his angst refering an seemingly unpointed being. Freedom- or instead the deficiency thereof- is another existentialist dogma that Kafka addresses. Gregor is depicted as person constrained by self-imposed loads. the most demanding being the function as the fiscal pillar of the household. Despite holding the freedom to disown this function. Gregor alternatively pursues it with hectic ardour to the extent that it becomes his ‘sole desire’ ( 310 ) . Yet his rant sing his calling ( 297-298 ) reveals that this is non due to personal desire. but instead the belief that he must replace his male parent financially. regardless of penchant. Gregor’s psychotic belief sing an absence of pick contradicts what Kafka perceives as the truth: that freedom is omnipresent in malice of any ethical duties we may be expected to adhere to. and that the single defines his or herself via one’s determinations. A quasi-motto of existential philosophy coined by Sartre. ‘existence precedes essence’ . In decision. Kafka employs the fictional literary elements he constructs to turn to the really non-fictional. existentialist facets of society and life. Akin to Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground. it can be interpreted as both a contemplation and philippic against impersonal communities. limitation of freedom. and the absurdness of life.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Conflict Between Miss Y And Mrs. X

THE CONFLICT BETWEEN MISS Y AND MRS. X â€Å"When two women, with a past like ours, who loathe each other the way we do things tend to get ugly when they get together.† This was said in â€Å"made-for-T.V. movie, but it perfectly explains the relationship between Missy and Mrs. X. The two women in this play, â€Å"The Stronger† by August Strindberg, (Miss Y, Amelia, and Mrs. X) are two women who were not necessarily friends, but more along the lines of acquaintances at one point in their relationship. However, something happened along the way that caused them to be angry with one another. In the beginning of this play Mrs. X was tiring to be friends with Miss Y, but Miss Y wanted nothing to do with Mrs. X. Nonetheless, Mrs. X sat at Miss Y’s table and began to speak to her about topics such as family, children, and the way Mrs. X â€Å"got in Miss Y’s way† and got her kicked out of the theater company they both worked for. Completely disregarding any hint from Miss Y that she was not necessarily welcomed at her table. Doing so caused Mrs. X to put together pieces of a rather large puzzle in which the end result was the affair that Miss Y had With Mrs. X’s husband. Miss Y is a quiet timid woman, who does absolutely no talking (verbally) in this story, but only expresses her self by facial jesters and a few sinkers and giggles now and then. Mrs. X: Why, Millie my dear, how are you? Sitting hear all alone on Christmas Eve like some Bachelor. Miss Y looks up from her magazine, nods and continues to read. (121) She does not seem to find it very important to discuss the topics that Mrs. X is bringing up because all it will do is end up hurting Mrs. X. She shows a lot of self-control because no matter how many hurtful things Mrs. X says, Miss Y still remains silent and hesitant, even when Mrs. x asks her to speak. It could also be that she is possibly lacking the strength to bring up this past that we find to be so very vivid. Sh... Free Essays on The Conflict Between Miss Y And Mrs. X Free Essays on The Conflict Between Miss Y And Mrs. X THE CONFLICT BETWEEN MISS Y AND MRS. X â€Å"When two women, with a past like ours, who loathe each other the way we do things tend to get ugly when they get together.† This was said in â€Å"made-for-T.V. movie, but it perfectly explains the relationship between Missy and Mrs. X. The two women in this play, â€Å"The Stronger† by August Strindberg, (Miss Y, Amelia, and Mrs. X) are two women who were not necessarily friends, but more along the lines of acquaintances at one point in their relationship. However, something happened along the way that caused them to be angry with one another. In the beginning of this play Mrs. X was tiring to be friends with Miss Y, but Miss Y wanted nothing to do with Mrs. X. Nonetheless, Mrs. X sat at Miss Y’s table and began to speak to her about topics such as family, children, and the way Mrs. X â€Å"got in Miss Y’s way† and got her kicked out of the theater company they both worked for. Completely disregarding any hint from Miss Y that she was not necessarily welcomed at her table. Doing so caused Mrs. X to put together pieces of a rather large puzzle in which the end result was the affair that Miss Y had With Mrs. X’s husband. Miss Y is a quiet timid woman, who does absolutely no talking (verbally) in this story, but only expresses her self by facial jesters and a few sinkers and giggles now and then. Mrs. X: Why, Millie my dear, how are you? Sitting hear all alone on Christmas Eve like some Bachelor. Miss Y looks up from her magazine, nods and continues to read. (121) She does not seem to find it very important to discuss the topics that Mrs. X is bringing up because all it will do is end up hurting Mrs. X. She shows a lot of self-control because no matter how many hurtful things Mrs. X says, Miss Y still remains silent and hesitant, even when Mrs. x asks her to speak. It could also be that she is possibly lacking the strength to bring up this past that we find to be so very vivid. Sh...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 3

Research Paper Example Over population results in serious environmental degradation as the limited natural resources like water, soil, air and forest get depleted at a faster rate. As humans begin to overpopulate the earth, the planet may not be able to support their needs. In this paper, the impact of population growth on water resources will be analyzed. One of the primary natural resource that has been impacted with the demands of the growing population is water – a resource that is required for agriculture, industry and domestic use. Human beings need water for agriculture, industry and for domestic purposes like cooking, washing, sanitation and cleaning. As population increases, the demands for the limited water resources from each of these areas compete with each other. Although 70% of the earth is covered by ocean water, human beings rely on the limited fresh water supply for their needs, which accounts for only 2.5 % of the total water supply (Pluijm). According to the World Water Council, the total population of the world tripled in the 20th century, while the use of renewable water resources multiplied six times. This is primarily because of the irrigation requirements and demands of agriculture. Scientists have also confirmed that nearly half of the world’s population does not have enough water to drink and the demand for it is doubling every 21 years (â€Å"Cost of water†). According to the International Water Management Institute, the world’s leading body on fresh water management, the issue of water scarcity is increasing faster than expected (â€Å"Cost of water†). In China, the wells and rivers in the eastern part of the country have dried up and the authorities are trucking in water to the millions of people living in this region (â€Å"Cost of water†). In the following pages, the various issues concerning population growth and the resulting effect on the limited

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The role and impact of marketing on the use and availability of drugs Research Paper

The role and impact of marketing on the use and availability of drugs in America and effective interventions to combat corporate marking strategies - Research Paper Example a moratorium on direct to consumer advertisements in order to give doctors an opportunity to learn about new drugs before patients demand prescriptions to ease their pain, bend their minds, or sleep through the night (2007, p.3). Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) is a leading cause of drug misuse. The expenditure on direct to consumer advertising has been on a steady rise (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation 2000). The influence of drug advertisements is on the rise too. A survey conducted in 2004 showed that doctors believed that direct to consumer advertisement affected how they interacted with patients and in their profession. Previously, drug manufacturers used to promote their drugs only to professionals in the health care sector so that they can explain how the drug works to their patients. The trend changed in the early 1990s and manufacturers changed their focus to consumers. Advertisements targeting consumers began to emerge. Marketing led to increase in spending on prescription drugs as patients began following up on their healthcare. This led to another problem as patients began demanding drugs they had seen on advertisements from their physicians. Due to this, manufacturers intensified their ad strategies is order to benefit from high sales. Some companies are suspected to be giving misleading information about their products. Some exaggerate the ability of their products to treat certain ailments or how fast they can cure a person once taken. It is for this reason that proper guidelines should be set on how companies advertise their drugs. One of the ways may be to require that any drug advertised should include a list of any likely side effects. Drugs advertised should also not be allowed to describe what they do. Drug should also be properly labeled in accordance to the set guidelines. Emotional style advertising should be prohibited as it misleads buyers. Other strategies like rising of the legal drinking age may help reduce accessibility to